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1: Idee

Die Idee, die Module als Überdachung zu nutzen, kam spontan, weil die Anschlüsse am Dach für mein Setup nicht passten.

Für die Skizzen habe ich #Excalidraw, #Blender, #FreeCAD verwendet und #Nextcloud für die Planung.

Die ersten Diskussionen zu Design, Größe und Material kamen schnell. Eine gute Skizze war dabei hilfreich.

Besonders geholfen hat mir das viele Kommunizieren und das Feedback erfahrener Leute, u. a. hier auf Mastodon!

cc: @excalidraw @nextcloud @FreeCAD @Blender @diy

Tutorial: Custom Toolbars
When you use any tool for a while you often build a more personal connection to it. Perhaps you have that old screwdriver in a drawer that’s become polished with years of use and fits your hand perfectly.In this tutorial we'll look at modifying existing toolbars and creating our own custom toolbars to personalise our #FreeCAD experience.

FreeCAD News · Tutorial: Custom ToolbarsWhen you use any tool for a while you often build a more personal connection to it. Perhaps you have that old screwdriver in a drawer that’s become polished with years of use and fits your hand per…

Finally got back to that #3DPrint design I was working on a week ago, or was it two weeks? Anyway, took the last couple of parts out of the printer where they've been sitting and did a bit of filing to get the fit smooth and there we have it! A 23 cell flat-pack seed tray. If I had a big enough printer I'd probably also do a base plate of some kind, but it should just work on any flat tray.

I need to dive back into #FreeCAD and make a couple of adjustments and improvements, but this is definitely a "working" prototype and I'm wondering what seeds I'll pop into it. Time for some multisown beetroot think.

Edit: I'm not claiming to have invented this 😅 I totally ripped if off some product I saw someone using on YouTube... I checked online for 3D printable versions but wasn't a fan of what I found.

Edit 2: Oh, and that's a little tamper on top, that was my idea. (Hardly rocket science tho.) I have a idea for making it adjustable with a handle that can protrude to make a seed hole.

This is mostly for @amd, but I wanted to extend it to the greater #FreeCAD community because I’m sure there are multiple people that have wanted a quick way to export multiple individual STEP files for sharing

The great MangoJelly channel did a video and blog post about this topic, but I wanted slightly different file naming

You can download my version of the macro here:

MangoJelly’s blog: mangojellysolutions.blogspot.c

MangoJelly's video:

A FreeCAD macro to batch export multiple bodies to individual STEP files - chrishuck/LastSTEP
GitHubGitHub - chrishuck/LastSTEP: A FreeCAD macro to batch export multiple bodies to individual STEP filesA FreeCAD macro to batch export multiple bodies to individual STEP files - chrishuck/LastSTEP

Weather has been rather splendid in the west of England this weekend, got a few good rides on the bicycle.
That did spot a few niggles - some poorly fitting mudgards that have always been wobbling and sometimes rubbing, the ping bell was designed for handlebars wider than mine and was wobbling, and the suspension forks top cap was missing.
A bit of TPU filament, a Prusa i3, and @FreeCAD and the bike is ready for far more adventures and less wobbles.
#cycling #making #freecad.

Die Vorbereitungen für die #TARNo2 laufen. Da das Rad eine sehr spezielle Elektrik bekommt, muss ich mir einige Teile selbst zeichnen und herstellen. #FreeCAD ist dabei sehr hilfreich. Heute habe ich ein Schaltergehäuse fertig gezeichnet, um neben dem Vorbau einen Schalter für die Beleuchtung an den Lenker zu klemmen. Nach dem Kaffee geht es in meine Schrauberhöle und der 3D Drucker wird mir in 4 Stunden die Bauteile drucken. Heute Nachmittag folgt dann der Test, ob die Teile auch funktionieren, wie ich es mir überlegt habe.

I'm not fully happy with this one yet, but it works and I'm using it. I've been sitting on it for a while now and I need to just publish it because I'm not sure when I'm going to get to the V1.5 improvements I want to do.

Here's my take on a simple fume extractor that uses a couple of easily obtainable and off the shelf parts.

If you're sucking solder fumes and have a printer and about $15 for materials. Here you go:

Libre License, FreeCAD source files included.
