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I seriously cannot deal with some #covid ignorant knobheads who don't mask up.
Just had someone I know confess they caught 'something' bad but it's not covid(it is fucking covid) - from working a crowded local dance competition event. She is still sick & going to go work last day, catering at this multi days event. People attending will be infecting each other & then others in our community.
Freaking unnecessary madness!

Accompanied my Mom to doctor's appointment this morning. This was mainly for getting another prescription for her recurring gout issue. She got a physical checkup too. Her doctor & his MOA were masked up. None of the other medical clinic staff & no other patients were masked.

Location of masking report: Burnside Medical Clinic - office in lower part of building - there's a different office with same name on main level.

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@MegaMichelle They won't do that. They won't even buy N95s so PAPR won't ever be considered. I'm tolerated but feel ostracized at work because I'm still protecting with masks, still keep asking for proactive masking - despite being shut down on that multiple times. I'm in a very tiny minority of covid cautious folks at work & in larger local community.

Unmasked plague spreaders repeat #eugenics crap from #BonnieHenry - our evil #BCPublicHealth officer. I HATE HER.

The first in office appointment with my new family doctor has just been booked for this Friday morning. I have the first appointment of the day & the doctor has assured me that he & staff will be masked up, as I've requested 😷⚕️
I tend to ask for first slot of the morning when booking medical appointments - to avoid running into a bunch of unmasked patients in waiting rooms.

I'll be asking if he will consider taking on my youngest brother as a new patient too because that bro still doesn't have a family doctor. He's been on the government waitlist for 2+ years.

I'm off to get mammogram now & then working on updating client files all afternoon. Remote(safer) work today 👍

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I wrote back to BC health ministry & straight up told them that their self congratulatory, canned email had infuriated me. I advised them to cease sending out those emails to other people like me, who did not get ANY help from #BCNDP #BCgovernment & was treated like disposable by their #eugenics ministry. I reiterated my constant call to #FireBonnieHenry with multiple valid reasons on why that taxpayers funded criminal is still running our #PublicHealth into hell. I still wish death & lifelong disability on every single government official who supported easing up on #CovidSafety. I do not forgive people responsible for murdering my Dad.

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FYI - I got this new family doctor due to pursuing an in office lead from my osteoporosis specialist. He works in same medical clinic. I asked to be put on their internal wait list a few months back. I kept following up, weekly.

I want to be very clear on the fact that the BC government didn't help me obtain this new doctor whatsoever. I was on their huge waitlist for over a year & nothing happened. I pursued 4 different doctors from private leads & that is how it happened. However, our shifty, lying BC government is trying to take credit for work they did not do in me finally having a new family doctor. Their self congratulatory, canned email was insulting to receive today. Bunch of dishonest wankers.

The BC government has treated disabled patients like me as disposable for years. They've greatly harmed our disabled community as a whole much more than they've ever tried to really help us.

I blast highway to hell, almost every time I have to go to hospital for work or personal related reasons. It's hellish for #ZeroCovid disabled folks like me because our hospitals aren't really covid safe & they haven't been safe for a few years now. It is where Dad & big Auntie were infected. Mask policy returned to hospitals recently but almost all staff just wear the flimsy surgical blue masks. I wear my own N95s & use a nasal spray for additional protection.
I'll be playing highway to hell again at 10am because I have to go to VGH for a client meeting.

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I'm back on yet another wait list for a different orthopedic surgeon because the one I was referred to is an unkind, unhelpful jerk. His RateMDs reviews are filled with multiple complaints from patients who were also treated in similar unhelpful ways. I'm pretty frustrated. I've been on 3 different wait lists for years prior. I still have no medical help with my elbow bursitis which causes me to lose sleep because the pain often wakes me up in middle of the night. I don't have a family doctor(on wait list for that too) to help me with my multiple health/medical needs.

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I've called 4 different medical clinics since 9am - Tillicum medical is where Mom usually goes & they didn't pickup phone Friday either. I called 6 times at different hours on Friday. It's been over an hour & no one has picked up the phones there. I finally got through to one clinic a few minutes ago & it's not too far. It's the Burnside Medical Clinic & I have a telephone appointment this afternoon to get medication for Mom's gout. She is still unable to walk due to severe pain & inflammation. I had to push hard to get that appointment after being told they have no appointment spots left for today. The MOA was compassionate & understood my desperate pleas to get essential medication for my Mom.

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@cbcnews @health-cbcnews #TrueStory Almost 2 years ago, my Dad was admitted to hospital for ambulatory leg issues. It was #unmasked #hospital staff who infected him with #covid. That caused him to get #pneumonia while in hospital. It weakened his already #immunocompromised system & he died last Summer from #LongCovid #CardiacArrest. Prior to this - Dad had no cardiac issues. His preexisting illnesses were neurological from 2 traumatic brain injuries.

Our provincial #PublicHealth is run on #eugenics - it's killing & disabling thousands of people. Our government just keeps lying to the public. They are not even properly tracking infections. Our public health authorities are a #danger to the public.

@WuMargaret It is not going well but I'm gonna ensure my client gets best care possible in shitty hospital, unsafe settings. My current client is another #immunocompromised patient who got #covid from #UnmaskedMedical staff & that avoidable infection led to cardiac arrest - months after initial infection, on patient with no heart issues prior. It is brutal as it was same way my Dad & elder Auntie got infected in #hospitals too - by unmasked #medical staff.