on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


Serveri statistika:

aktiivsed kasutajad


550 postitusega405 osalejaga78 postitust täna

Next week we will join @fediforum
An online held event on Tue 2025-04-01 & Wed 2025-04-02

Participants help to create the program, a so called ‘unconference‘ & we want to show you more about the work we have done & the plans we have with We will also show a demo of our work, which is very much a ‘work-in-progress’.

More info & tickets:

We look forward to meeting you!

We’re excited to announce that, from Monday, we’re going to be the new admins of!

We’ve always loved how @tchambers has run His direction has made it one of the best instances on the Fediverse!

Thanks to Tim for his trust in us to provide a safe and secure home for the server into the future.

Tim’s Blog Post 🔗

FAQs 🔗

Connaissez-vous l'acronyme #EEE ?
En langue anglaise, il correspond à Embrace/Extend/Extinguish ou Exploit, que l’on peut traduire par :
embrasser/étreindre, étendre, éteindre/exterminer ou exploiter.

Quel lien avec #Mastodon et le #Fediverse ?
Quel impact sur l'avenir du protocole #ActivityPub ?

A lire ici:

Didier J. MARY (blog)The Social Web Foundation ?! - Didier J. MARY (blog)
Veel kasutajalt DJM (freelance for hire)

We're excited to announce the release of Fedify 1.5.0! This version brings several significant improvements to performance, configurability, and developer experience. Let's dive into what's new:

Two-Stage Fan-out Architecture for Efficient Activity Delivery

#Fedify now implements a smart fan-out mechanism for delivering activities to large audiences. This change is particularly valuable for accounts with many followers. When sending activities to many recipients, Fedify now creates a single consolidated message containing the activity payload and recipient list, which a background worker then processes to re-enqueue individual delivery tasks.

This architectural improvement delivers several benefits: Context.sendActivity() returns almost instantly even with thousands of recipients, memory consumption is dramatically reduced by avoiding payload duplication, UI responsiveness improves since web requests complete quickly, and the system maintains reliability with independent retry logic for each delivery.

For specific requirements, we've added a new fanout option with three settings:

// Configuring fan-out behavior
await ctx.sendActivity(
  { identifier: "alice" },
  { fanout: "auto" }  // Default: automatic based on recipient count
  // Other options: "skip" (never use fan-out) or "force" (always use fan-out)

Canonical Origin Support for Multi-Domain Setups

You can now explicitly configure a canonical origin for your server, which is especially useful for multi-domain setups. This feature allows you to set different domains for WebFinger handles and #ActivityPub URIs, configured through the new origin option in createFederation(). This enhancement prevents unexpected URL construction when requests bypass proxies and improves security by ensuring consistent domain usage.

const federation = createFederation({
  // Use for handles but for ActivityPub URIs
  origin: {
    handleHost: "",
    webOrigin: "",
  // Other options...

Optional Followers Collection Synchronization

Followers collection synchronization (FEP-8fcf) is now opt-in rather than automatic. This feature must now be explicitly enabled through the syncCollection option, giving developers more control over when to include followers collection digests. This change improves network efficiency by reducing unnecessary synchronization traffic.

await ctx.sendActivity(
  { identifier: sender },
    preferSharedInbox: true,
    syncCollection: true,  // Explicitly enable collection synchronization

Enhanced Key Format Compatibility

Key format support has been expanded for better interoperability. Fedify now accepts PEM-PKCS#1 format in addition to PEM-SPKI for RSA public keys. We've added importPkcs1() and importPem() functions for additional flexibility, which improves compatibility with a wider range of ActivityPub implementations.

Improved Key Selection Logic

The key selection process is now more intelligent. The fetchKey() function can now select the public key of an actor if keyId has no fragment and the actor has only one public key. This enhancement simplifies key handling in common scenarios and provides better compatibility with implementations that don't specify fragment identifiers.

New Authorization Options

Authorization handling has been enhanced with new options for the RequestContext.getSignedKey() and getSignedKeyOwner() methods. This provides more flexible control over authentication and authorization flows. We've deprecated older parameter-based approaches in favor of the more flexible method-based approach.

Efficient Bulk Message Queueing

Message queue performance is improved with bulk operations. We've added an optional enqueueMany() method to the MessageQueue interface, enabling efficient queueing of multiple messages in a single operation. This reduces overhead when processing batches of activities. All our message queue implementations have been updated to support this new operation:

If you're using any of these packages, make sure to update them alongside Fedify to take advantage of the more efficient bulk message queueing.

CLI Improvements

The Fedify command-line tools have been enhanced with an improved web interface for the fedify inbox command. We've added the Fedify logo with the cute dinosaur at the top of the page and made it easier to copy the fediverse handle of the ephemeral actor. We've also fixed issues with the web interface when installed via deno install from JSR.

Additional Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Updated dependencies, including @js-temporal/polyfill to 0.5.0 for Node.js and Bun
  • Fixed bundler errors with uri-template-router on Rollup
  • Improved error handling and logging for document loader when KV store operations fail
  • Added more log messages using the LogTape library
  • Internalized the multibase package for better maintenance and compatibility

For the complete list of changes, please refer to the changelog.

To update to Fedify 1.5.0, run:

# For Deno
deno add jsr:@fedify/fedify@1.5.0

# For npm
npm  add     @fedify/fedify@1.5.0

# For Bun
bun  add     @fedify/fedify@1.5.0

Thank you to all contributors who helped make this release possible!

Released on March 28, 2025.

Improved activity delivery performance with large audiences through a two-stage queuing system.  Sending activities to many recipients (e.g., accounts with many follow...
GitHubRelease Fedify 1.5.0 · fedify-dev/fedifyReleased on March 28, 2025. Improved activity delivery performance with large audiences through a two-stage queuing system. Sending activities to many recipients (e.g., accounts with many follow...

This is the kind of innovation that #ActivityPub and the #Fediverse allows. I just learnt about #Bandwagon (through a post by @atomicpoet) which is a #music artist site (not unlike #Bandcamp). Artists and their posts can be followed just like anyone on the Fediverse.

It's a little rudimentary at the moment (both in style and functionality), and I don't think there is a way to purchase albums for download, but it is a nice example of what is possible.

(Cc @howdy)

2. Berliner Fediverse Tag

c-base, Samstag, 4. Oktober um 00:00 MESZ

Der 2. Berliner Fediverse Tag findet am 4.10.2025 auf der Berliner c-base statt. Er ist eine Konferenz zum Fediverse mit Workshops und Vorträgen für Interessierte, Neulinge und alte Hasen.

Wenn ihr in den Sozialen Netzwerken über den Berliner Fediverse Tag schreiben wollt, verwendet gerne den Tag #BerlinFediDay in euren Beiträgen.


Neben der Veranstaltung haben wir einen offenen E-Mail Verteiler für weitere Vernetzung über den Fediday hinausgehend eingerichtet. Auf dem Verteiler wird Deutsch und Englisch gesprochen.

Als Ressource für die Konferenz ist eine kollektiv betriebene Zotero-Bibliothek mit Forschungsliteratur zum Fediverse entstanden.

Mahlzeit #fediverse kommt alle gut durch den Tag

Die erste Runde im Garten erfolgreich beendet. Ein bisschen ausruhen nachher geht's weiter. Wünsche euch für heute viel ☀️ und einen ruhigen Rutsch ins Wochenende. 💚💚

Passt auf euch auf und bleibt ( werdet ) gesund. 🤗🍀

Struggling for a Real Alternative

For the last 5 years conversations have been about, the #Fediverse, #Web3 and more recently the pushing of #mainstreaming into the #openweb native path. But despite this, the #fediverse is still a notable outlier in the digital landscape. This is in part because unlike the dominant tech trends, which emerge from Silicon Valley and the cross-Atlantic #dotcons agenda, the #fediverse is rooted in European ideals of decentralization, federation, and digital autonomy, it's a "native" #openweb […]

hamishcampbell.comStruggling for a Real Alternative – Hamish Campbell
Veel kasutajalt Hamish Campbell

#Вопрос по #Moshidon : как правильно звучит последний пункт в "Уведомлениях", где подчёркнуто? Не уведомления об ответах? Думаю, иконка слева намекает, но я что-то ыиг знает... Там вроде и раньше была какая-то дичь в переводе, но и сейчас сомневаюсь, что правильно:
#Fediverse #lang_ru @ru @rf

Hey #Fediverse lover! 🌟 I'm super excited about my new mission to promote a space free from billionaire controlled algorithms! Let's make social media more inclusive together. If you feel inspired, check out the crowdfunding link!

Every bit helps us bring creators and brands and public figures closer to the #community. 🚀❤️

Follow the link to learn more and please, please reshare this post to help reach, together we can accelerate the social revolution!