on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


Serveri statistika:

aktiivsed kasutajad


46 postitusega45 osalejaga6 postitust täna

Are you seeing posts in your timeline from accounts you aren't following?

Don't worry, it's not an algorithm! You're probably just seeing posts which contain hashtags that you are following.

To check which hashtags you are following on Mastodon:

1. Go to your profile page
2. Depending on what app or interface you are using, click # at the top or click ... and then "Followed hashtags" (some apps may have other ways of doing this)

You can unfollow any tags you don't want to see.

Is there, or could there be, a “federating bot” that auto follows any account that pings it, with a copy living on any server that wants to host it, and all of them relay to each other? I.e. any server owner could decide to have the bot sign up on their instance, and then any new server owner could ping one of them from a dummy account, which would then relay the ping to the others, which all then follow the dummy, federating the new server. Nu?
#FediTips @FediTips

There is a really good privacy feature on Mastodon and the rest of the Fediverse:

When you post a link on Mastodon etc, it remains exactly as you posted it. There is no analytics or tracking going on, no one is monitoring clicks on links.

By contrast, on Twitter/X and Bluesky the links people post are redirected so clicks can be monitored. We don't know exactly what Musk or Bluesky do with this info, but they do it by redirecting all links to sites they control ( &

Every account on Mastodon and the rest of the Fediverse has a unique "Fediverse address" like this:

@ (user) @ (server)

You can see an account's address on its profile page, and it's also on all posts below the username.

Fediverse addresses let you easily follow any Fediverse account by pasting the address into your server's search box. It works with addresses from all kinds of Fedi servers including Mastodon, Pixelfed, PeerTube etc.

Lots more info at:


fedi.tipsWhat’s my account’s address? How do I follow other people’s addresses? How can people follow my address? | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
Veel kasutajalt Fedi.Tips

Be careful which accounts you tag in your posts or DMs. If you tag an account with an @ mention, that account will be able to see your post or DM no matter what visibility you are using.

If you want to mention an account without that account seeing your post, you can (for example) replace the @ symbols with the word AT. Alternatively, you can remove the @ symbols or put spaces around them to stop them working.

Are you receiving too many emails from Mastodon? You can adjust the settings for email notifications to suit your needs:

1. Log in through your server’s website
2. Click on ⚙️ Preferences
3. Click "E-mail Notifications" on the left of the screen (if you’re on the mobile website, click ☰ and then "E-mail Notifications" in the menu)
4. UN-tick the boxes you don't want in the section "Events for e-mail notifications"
5. Click the "Save Changes" button at the top of the screen

So if you’re using Mastodon on the web, you can press the ⚠️ALT button and then follow the “Detect text from picture” link.

On Mac/iOS, you can select text on images as if they were text by clicking/tapping and dragging and paste that in (might be more accurate; that’s what I did).

PS. This was meant to be a reply to but somehow didn’t get threaded correctly (was using the web client instead of Mona. I somehow manage to do that there sometimes. Has happened before.) :)

If you're using Mastodon through a computer, did you know you can access almost all of its functions through keyboard shortcuts? There's a complete list of shortcuts plus more info here:


Some of these will only make sense in Mastodon's multicolumn mode, but most of them work in all modes.

NOTE: You don't have to use any of these shortcuts, everthing can be done through the mouse too. The keyboard shortcuts are just for people who prefer them 🙂

fedi.tipsUsing Mastodon through a keyboard | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
Veel kasutajalt Fedi.Tips

Er der brugere som du følger på Mastodon, der booster andre folk for meget? Kan du godt lide at læse deres indlæg, men har ikke lyst til at se deres boosts?

På Mastodon kan du skjule en kontos boosts ved at gøre følgende:

  1. Gå til profilsiden
  2. Klik på ⋯ knappen på deres profil
  3. Vælg “Hide boosts”

Nu ser du deres toots, men skjuler deres boosts. Hvis du ombestemmer dig, går du bare tilbage og trykker “Show boosts”.

De får ikke at vide, at du har skjult deres boosts.

På fediverset er vi mere i kontrol over vores feeds!

Is there an account you follow that boosts other people too much? Do you like reading their own posts, but you don't want to see their boosts?

In Mastodon you can hide an account's boosts by doing the following:

1. Go to their profile page
2. Click the ⋯ button on their profile
3. Select "Hide boosts"

You will still see their posts, it will only hide boosts. If you change your mind, go to ⋯ and select "Show boosts".

They will never know you have hidden their boosts 🙂

If you get a DM saying "call me the Fediverse chick", it's a spam. Don't click the links, but DO report it!

Reports from users are really important, especially if they are about spam DMs because no one else can see the spam except the user.

You can report posts by clicking ⋯ on the post and selecting "Report". When you report it, make sure to select the option to forward the report to the server it came from so that the admin there can delete the spammer's account.

Hey all, the easiest way I can find #Ghost blogs using #ActivityPub is to search for @index and you will get some Friendica results, etc, but for now, that should be a sure way to find almost all the blogs that have enabled this feature so far. I couldn't tell if replies appear as comments, so if you don't want your comments on their blog, don't reply to their fediverse posts. A few told me they can see my comments on their dashboard but I don't know what that means. #FediTips #Fediverse

The Fediverse has its own alternative to Twitch called OwnCast, a live streaming platform with built-in chat system.

You can follow OwnCast accounts from Mastodon etc and they will post in your timeline when they go live. You can also sign into OwnCast chat using your Mastodon etc account.

More info at:


If you want to get started, I've just posted some good OwnCast accounts to follow over at @FediFollows

fedi.tipsOwnCast: Live streaming and chat on the Fediverse | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
Veel kasutajalt Fedi.Tips

Do you use Mastodon's web interface? Do you get frustrated when viewing a thread with content warnings because you have to open lots of CWs individually?

There is a solution to this problem: just click the eye 👁️ icon in the top right corner to toggle all the thread's CWs open or closed. (If it doesn't seem to work, click again. It's a toggle switch!)

More info and questions answered about this feature at:


fedi.tipsWhat does the eye icon 👁️ mean on Mastodon? | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
Veel kasutajalt Fedi.Tips
Vastatud lõimes

@mossygiraffe Nice! Welcome to the Fediverse! I recommend you first post a few photos. Be sure to use the alt-text so our low vision & blind Fediverse friends can enjoy your photos too. Also, fill out a bio. After that, write & toot an #Introduction post. People who follow that hashtag will then boost your toot so more people will learn about your new account. And I might recommend you check out #FediTips for more tips! I hope you find the Fediverse to your liking!

fedi.tipsFedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
Veel kasutajalt Fedi.Tips

Saisonstart auf #Zollverein #EssenRuhr. Und gleich mit einem Highlight für an #Fotografie und #Kunst Interessierte!

Vom 21.-23. März 2025 setzt die 19. Ausgabe der


der C.A.R. erneut einen ihrer Schwerpunkte auf die Fotografie, präsentiert neue Tendenzen in der Kunst sowie ein umfangreiches Rahmenprogramm.

Neben den Themenschwerpunkten Licht- und Videokunst, Installation und Fotografie widmet sich die Frühjahrsausgabe der C.A.R. u.a. visionären Kunstprojekten aus den Bereichen 3D-Druck, Virtual Reality-Kunst, Animation und Netzkunst.

Eintritt: ab 10 Euro

Weitere Infos

#feditips #veranstaltungshinweis #photography #creativity

www.zollverein.dePHOTO/MEDIA ART FAIR (C.A.R.) - ZollvereinNeben den Themenschwerpunkten Licht- und Videokunst, Installation und Fotografie widmet sich die Frühjahrsausgabe der C.A.R. u.a. visionären Kunstprojekten aus den Bereichen 3D-Druck, Virtual Reality-Kunst, Animation und Netzkunst.