Schlafendes rundes Heizkissen. Schnurlos.
#catsofmastodon #fedicats #cats
Schlafendes rundes Heizkissen. Schnurlos.
#catsofmastodon #fedicats #cats
My digital crystal sphere just revealed to me that soon my memory cards will be filled with dozens of fresh cat photos.
Until then, enjoy the view!
#Qualitätskatzen #cats #Katzen #gatti #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats #FediCats #CatContent #Greece #Athens #Halandri #CatsOfAthens #CatsOfGreece #Flausch
(photo: @kernpanik | license: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Guilt #cat would very much like to make his feelings known about me packing for Chicago
*Someone* had to go to the vet today because she's been acting really jumpy and making faces like her mouth hurts. Vet didn't find anything wrong with her though, and now she won't stop looking at me like this.
Schnurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Lissy ist sowas von zufrieden.
#catsofmastodon #fedicats #cats
I’m afraid that any further chores will have to wait..
I am a bed to my people.
Little roughneck.
#Qualitätskatzen #cats #Katzen #gatti #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats #FediCats #CatContent #Greece #Athens #Agora #Monastiraki #CatsOfAthens #CatsOfGreece #Flausch
(photo: @kernpanik | license: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Rigby loves fresh warm clothes from the dryer. This was the look on his face when my wife told him to get down. I joke that he probably thinks his name is “Rigby Stop It” or “Rigby Get Down”.
In spite of the look of disgust, he’s a super lovable cat and my buddy.
Fauler Sonntag. Zumindest für Lissy. Ich hingegen habe mir die Rübe rasiert, geduscht, Katzenklo grundgereinigt und Müll rausgetragen. WaMa läuft auch. Den Rest des Tages werde ich nun auch faul sein.
#catsofmastodon #fedicats #cats