on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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128 postitusega79 osalejaga0 postitust täna

Inspired by a visit to The Seven Churches on Inishmore, this Celtic cross stands among rocks and grass under a night sky. A nod to Ireland’s deep-rooted traditions, where the past and present blend. What Irish places or traditions have touched you? ☘️

Prints available on Etsy (US) and Pixels (most locations and more options)

Etsy -

Pixels -

Calling all Canadian fedi artists!! I am looking for an artist who would be willing to commission a drawing that I can use for my profile pic both here, and other places! There are a few specifics I am looking for, but otherwise it would be in your creative hands!

I am essentially looking for an anthropomorphized male moose, with other certain details. Either a full character or just a bust/face picture.

Please BOOST :mastodon: 🇨🇦


Illustratrice médicale et scientifique, je réalise des dessins d'anatomie pour des médecins, de vulgarisation pour des chercheurs, d'animaux et de plantes pour des musées, et plein d'autres choses encore...

J'ai aussi mon petit univers fantasy/SF, avec des expérimentations autour de techniques traditionnelles.

Bref, plein de choses que j'ai hâte de partager avec vous ! En voici déjà un échantillon...