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Backyard Bird Gathering

I was thinking about what birds fit with Christmas. Well, there are robins and partridges in a pear tree. Apparently, British postmen were called robins during the 19th century, and they delivered Christmas cards. But I think the bird the looks most like Christmas is the northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). I found this old photo of a cardinal landing among other smaller birds in my backyard and thought, why not.

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Slate-Gray Beauty

Here is a dark eyed junco (Junco hyemalis) that probably flew down here in Louisiana from Canada for the winter.

"Juncos are the "snowbirds" of the middle latitudes. Over most of the eastern United States, they appear as winter sets in, and then retreat northward each spring. Other juncos are year-round residents, retreating into woodlands during the breeding season, or, like those of the Appalachian Mountains, moving to higher elevations during the warmer months." -

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