A nice set of utilities for #DNA manipulation, Sanger sequencing or bam analysis:
I like the Wily DNA editor. It reminds me of the sequence manipulation suite (still available - https://www.bioinformatics.org/sms2/).
@expertenkommision_cyberunfall @ryanc @dekk @AuswaertigesAmt Die #USA erzwingen Datenherausgabe, Zwangstests (#DNA, Schwangerschaftstests, …) und/oder verbieten nach Lust und Laune die Einreise unabhängig von #ESTA oder #Visa!
Von der Masse an gesammelten Daten (siehe #CloudAct) mal ganz abgesehen...
https://www.europesays.com/?p=1918294 2007 murder investigation reopened in Italy over new DNA analysis #DNA #investigation #italy #murder
#Bareiß kann den Hals nicht vollkriegen? #Aserbaidschan -Affäre: Anklage gegen Karlsruher #CDU -Politiker und weitere Angeschuldigte. Korruption und Fossile Brennstoffe gehören offenbar zur #DNA der #CDU.
RE: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:2e2pkvv6z4scfpb4jplf462d/post/3lkj3n53bms24
Aserbaidschan-Affäre: Anklage ...
1. Take a close look at people's eyes. Many will have a smaller left eye. It's never the right eye.
2. 1X my mother washed our laundry with fiberglass curtains. We itched for days, until we could rewash everything.
3. My bro & I used to play with a kid we called Icky Rickie. He beat me in a "Reddest Hair, Most Freckles" contest on TV. 60 yrs later, after I did my DNA, I learned that he was my 1/2 brother & his dad called "Red" was my dad.
Post 3 of your weirdnesses.
Impact of excessive alcohol consumption on digestive health https://www.byteseu.com/825831/ #alcohol #Cancer #carcinoma #Chronic #Cirrhosis #Colorectal #ColorectalCancer #Compound #DigestiveSystem #dna #EsophagealCancer #ethanol #Fibrosis #Gallstones #GastricCancer #gastroenterology #GastrointestinalTract #Genetic #Health #Inflammation #Liver #Metabolism #Pancreas #Pancreatitis #PublicHealth #Smoking #Steatosis
Scientists date remains of an ancient child that resembles both humans and Neanderthals.
From @AssociatedPress: "The child’s remains were discovered 27 years ago in a rock shelter called Lagar Velho in central Portugal."
Pet cats arrived in China via the Silk Road 1,400 years ago, ancient DNA study finds
Es geht hier tatsächlich um einen Anti-AfD-Schriftzug mit Sprühkreide……
Regensburger Ermittlungsrichter ordnet DNA-Test an
„Einen solchen Beschluss hat ein Ermittlungsrichter am Amtsgericht Regensburg letzte Woche gegen eine 22-Jährige erlassen. Ohne vorherige Anhörung verfügte er, dass bei der jungen Frau ein sogenannter Mundhöhlenabstrich „und im Falle der Weigerung die Entnahme einer Blutprobe“ vorgenommen werden darf. Ebenso ordnete der Richter an, dass ihre Wohnung „zum Zweck der Entnahme von Körperzellen“ durchsucht werden darf. Dies stehe „in angemessenem Verhältnis zur Schwere der Tat“, heißt es in dem Beschluss…..“
https://www.europesays.com/1871979/ What can bears, tardigrades, and worms teach us about surviving deep space? #Anxiety #ArtificialIntelligence #Bone #CaenorhabditisElegans #DNA #eye #Genetic #MachineLearning #Muscle #MuscleAtrophy #NextGeneration #physiology #RadiationExposure #research #sleep #space #Stress
ICE uses several databases & govt records to track down targets.
…Mellissa Harper, a former #ICE official who now heads #ORR, told a staff meeting on Thurs that the agency plans to use #DNA tests to establish familial relationships, one of the sources said. It was unclear whether DNA tests would be used only on cases that raised a red flag, or on a routine basis.
Maui man freed from prison after 30 years using new DNA technology https://www.byteseu.com/767589/ #dna #evidence #free #GordonCordeiro #HawaiiInnocenceProject #innocent #MauiCommunityCorrectionalCenter #Murder #Prison #release #Technology #TimothyBlaisdell
https://www.europesays.com/1864414/ Maui man freed from prison after 30 years using new DNA technology #america #DNA #evidence #free #GordonCordeiro #HawaiiInnocenceProject #Innocent #MauiCommunityCorrectionalCenter #murder #prison #release #science #technology #TimothyBlaisdell #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USA
Abwaschbar und wasserlöslich
Wegen Anti-AfD-Schriftzug mit Sprühkreide: Regensburger Ermittlungsrichter ordnet DNA-Test an
Von Stefan Aigner in Nachrichten
„AfD-Verbot.de“ wurde anlässlich der Tagung der in weiten Teilen gesichert rechtsextremen Partei im Sorat-Insel-Hotel Mitte Januar rund um den Tagungsort gesprüht. Die Polizei schnappte eine Tatverdächtige. Der soll nun eine DNA-Probe entnommen werden.
#Bayern #AntiAfD #DNA Bayern dreht am Rad!
Scientists Finally Solve the Mystery of the Irish Potato Famine’s Origins. It Came From The Andes https://www.byteseu.com/746891/ #dna #Ireland #PhytophthoraInfestans #potato #Science
Larry #Ellison wants to put all America's data, including #DNA, in one big #Oracle system for #AI to study - https://www.theregister.com/2025/02/12/larry_ellison_wants_all_data/ what could possibly go wrong?
A new UCLA Health study has discovered in mouse models that #genes associated with repairing mismatched #DNA are critical in eliciting damages to #neurons that are most vulnerable in #Huntington's disease and triggering downstream #pathologies and motor impairment, shedding light on disease mechanisms
#Medical #Neuroscience #Genetics #Psychiatry #BehavioralScience #sflorg
Did not have #DNA on the bingo card, huge win
Did assume this would be a medley, 30 seconds per song but still wishin they gave these a bit longer to breathe