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“This is the Trump administration desperate to meet the goals that it’s set to carry out its mass deportation agenda. But he’s having trouble reaching those numbers, because he doesn’t have the manpower and the infrastructure to actually rip away people who have years and years of life in our communities and are deeply entwined.”

The Texas Observer · Local and State Police Are Joining Trump's 'Deportation Force'Texas law enforcement agencies and others around the nation are reviving a long-dead "task force" program that led to racial profiling in the past.

“In solitary confinement, many prisoners suffer from mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar, and psychosis that are exacerbated by prolonged isolation. Those suffering from schizophrenia and other mental diseases are target practice for the Tasers on a daily basis.”

The Texas Observer · An Inside Look at Taser Use in Texas PrisonThe sound of electricity sizzling and crackling broke the silence. To me, it looked like the electric chair was officially back in the prisons.

Our top story: “One thing that is abundantly clear is that #border enforcement, and in particular the construction of detention facilities ... is big business. It’s a huge business. It’s incredibly lucrative for a very small number of people who have every incentive to make this system as big and as bloated as possible.”

The Texas Observer · Abbott’s Border Disaster Has Created a No-Bid Bonanza for Private ContractorsThere is now a powerful, well-heeled constituency that has built up around Operation Lone Star.

“Somehow this little town, Los Fresnos—it’s become a part of this huge conversation that I don’t think anyone really expected. Maybe this is a chance for people to really look at what’s happening.”

Earlier: In Cameron County where 8.5 percent of the population is undocumented, controversial raids at this popular eatery have rocked an already divided community.

The Texas Observer · ICE Raids on Beloved Bakery Reverberate Through Rio Grande ValleyHomeland Security Investigations arrests at Abby's Bakery shake up a small town in politically shifting Cameron County.

He Was Convicted Based on Allegedly Fabricated Bite Mark Analysis. Louisiana Wants to Execute Him Anyway.

Nine prisoners have walked free after evidence presented by members of a forensics team turned out to be wrong — yet one man still awaits execution based on their testimony.

ProPublicaHe Was Convicted Based on Allegedly Fabricated Bite Mark Analysis. Louisiana Wants to Execute Him Anyway.
Veel kasutajalt ProPublica

Jailhouse snitch testimony is considered a red flag by many legal experts. According to the National Registry of Exonerations, 256 people who have been exonerated of felonies in the United States since 1989 were convicted in a case using jailhouse informant testimony. Sixteen were from #Texas.

The Texas Observer · David Wood, Set for Execution, Says He Was Never the 'Desert Killer'Wood’s attorneys have requested that more than 100 additional pieces of evidence be tested for DNA, but the state has opposed the request for over a decade.