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@pixelcode @taylan @signalapp the #centralization, espechally without means to hide it's traffic via @torproject / #Tor makes it trivial to detect and track @signalapp / #Signal users.

  • Add to that the fact that Signal has #PhoneNumbers = #PII on them and the fact they are incorporated in the #USA, thus subject to #CloudAct and it's not a matter if they snitch on users but how many thousands if not millions got subopena'd to this day.

And with no self-custody of keys it's trivial to #Room641A the users if the devs get "motivated" under threat of spending the rest of theor lives in jail.

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Eine originelle Methode für den #ITGrundschutz ist die Zusammenarbeit mit google im Bereich Cloud, während Europa zunehmend um Souveränität von BigTech bemüht ist. #unplugtrump

""Die BSI-Google Zusammenarbeit ist ein potenzieller Booster für digitale Abhängigkeit und Erpressbarkeit Deutschlands von den USA", schreiben die GI-Arbeitskreise für digitale Souveränität, Open Source sowie Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit in einer am Donnerstag veröffentlichten Analyse. Google sei aufgrund der Rechtslage in den USA gar nicht dazu in der Lage, einen souveränen Dienst im hierzulande erforderlichen Sinne anzubieten. US-Präsidenten wie aktuell Donald Trump könnten "immer das Licht ausschalten". Weitere Kritikpunkte sind fehlende Transparenz, etwa im Umgang mit dem Cloud Act, und eine Wettbewerbsverzerrung mit Benachteiligung europäischer Firmen durch einen "TÜV-Stempel"."


heise online · "Erpressbarkeit": Informatiker gegen Cloud-Kooperation zwischen BSI und GoogleStefan Krempl poolt
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@signalapp It's not #disinfo when one points out that you demand #PII aka. #PhoneNumbers from Users and that is literally a architectural vulnerability, alongside your #proprietary & #Centralized #Infrastructure.

Not to mention the lack of @torproject / #Tor support with an #OnionService or the willingness to fulfill #cyberfacist "Embargoes" or shilling a #Shitcoin #Scam named #MobileCoin!

  • #KYC is the illicit activity!!!

And don't get me started on the #cyberfacism that is #CloudAct.

  • If you were secure, criminals would've used your platform so hard, it would've been shutdown like #EncroChat and #SkyECC.

I may nit have allvthe.evidence yet, but #Signal stenches like #ANØM: #Honeypot-esque!

„Denn mit dem sog. #CloudAct hat die US-Regierung ihren Behörden…ein sehr mächtiges Werkzeug in die Hand gegeben. Diesem zufolge müssen US-Anbieter den US-Behörden auf Anfrage Zugriff auf alle Daten auf ihren Cloud-Servern ermöglichen – egal wo auf der Welt diese Server stehen“ via #SZ

Süddeutsche Zeitung · EU-Cloud: Europas Kampf um digitale SouveränitätTorben Kassler poolt
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@alwayscurious @froge @fj #CloudAct alone not, but it's just the tip of the iceberg.

  • I bet you that @signalapp & @Mer__edith will comply with even the most illegal and cyberfacist orders when facing "rubberhose cryptoanalysis", which is a valid and likely risk factor in the #USA...

Again: The only #security is #decentralization!

  • This is why @torproject is still up and running: It cannot be shutdown even when all maintainers are being held at gunpoint.

#Signal is as vulnerable as #EncroChat if it's not a #Honeypot like #ANØM!

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@walkinglampshade @jrredho @fj It's basic #InfoSec, really:

Thus #Signal fails at protevting #Journalists and theor sources because they do have that data and can be #subopena'd for it if they don't already provide #BulkSurveillance & #LawfulInterception #API|s to comply with #CloudAct. (Or are you guys so naive and believe @Mer__edith will risk dying of old age in jail for non-paying users?)

  • This entire "thread vector" just doesn't exist with #XMPP+#OMEMO nor #PGP/MIME!

And if you believe "this won't ne used/abused me because I'm from 'Murica!" and point at #ANØM as an example, then you really ignored all tze #Cyberfacism since 9/11…

Twitterthaddeus e. grugq on Twitter“I’m gonna tell you a secret about “logless VPNs” — they don’t exist. Noone is going to risk jail for your $5/mo”
Vastatud lõimes

@froge @fj I'm not replacing @signalapp with "random tools" but good options.

Like @delta & @thunderbird as well as @monocles / #monoclesChat & @gajim which work flawlessly over @torproject / #Tor using @tails / @tails_live / #Tails and @guardianproject / #Orbot respectably.

Considering the costs of even acquiring and upkeeping an #anonymous #SIM, I'd rather pay €2 p.m. for #XMPP+#OMEMO and #PGP/MIME-supported #eMail with the option of self-custody than $2,50+ p.m. just to keep a phone number.

Or is anyone here expecting @Mer__edith to risk jail for life amd not comply with #CloudAct?

It stenches like #ANØM, because NOTHING IS FOR FREE and running a #VCmoneyBurningParty is expensive...

Infosec.SpaceKevin Karhan :verified: ( If your #OpSec, #InfoSec, #ComSec and/or #ITsec relies on and/or [risking jail *or worse*](, you fucked up! - If #Signal was secure, it would've been shutdown like #EncroChat & #SkyECC. Seriously, to me #Signal stenches #Honeypot like #ANØM & #CryptoAG. - All Signal fans do is #FUD #PGP/MIME and#XMPP+#OMEMO which are truly #decentralized and allow real #SelfHosting as well as #SelfCustody for complete control of all the data and keys... That's why I get people setup with it!
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@fj I still think @signalapp has fundamental flaws like demanding #PII (#PhoneNumbers can't be obtained anonymously around the globe and are trivial to track down to devices and thus users), being subject to #CloudAct as an unnecessary & 100% avoidable risk as well as #Shitcoin-#Scam shilling (#MobileCoin) and it's #proprietary, #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider nature that makes it inferior to real #E2EE with #SelfCustody like #PGP/MIME & #XMPP+#OMEMO!

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@licho @osman provide evidence the code @signalapp released is actually being deployed.

Not to mention pushing a #Shitcoin-#Scam (#MobileCoin) disqualifies #Signal per very design!

  • Given the collection of #PII like #PhoneNumbers, the ability to restrict functionality based off those and the fact that #Signal is subject to #CloudAct make it inherently not trustworthy.

And don't even get me started on the's not sustainable to run it as a #VCmoneyBurningParty!

Same as identifying users: They already got a #PhoneNumber which in many juristictions one can't even obtain without #ID legally, thus making it super easy to i.e. find and locate a user. Even tze cheapest LEAs can force their local M(V)NOs to #SS7 a specific number...

  • All these are unnecessary risks, that could've been avoided, but explicitly don't even get remediated retroactively!

Again: Signal has a #Honeypot stench, and you better learn proper #E2EE, #SelfCustody and #TechLiteracy because corporations can't pull the 5th [Amendment] on your behalf!

1/10 Es gibt ein Gesetz aus den Vereinigten Staaten. Es heißt Cloud Act. Das bedeutet auf Deutsch: Gesetz über Daten in der Wolke. Es erlaubt amerikanischen Behörden, auf viele Daten zuzugreifen – sogar, wenn diese Daten nicht in Amerika gespeichert sind. #CloudAct

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@Catwoman69y2k @dragonfriend most importantly:

Only with #SelfCustody of all the keys, #SelfHosting of the entire infrastructure and everything being #OpenSource, one can assure (and [let it be] audit[ed] independently) that the #advertised #promises are in fact true.

Cuz not expecting @Mer__edith to break is the same level of "#TrustMeBro!" assurances as #ANØM, #EncroChat, #SkyECC, #WhatsApp etc. do in their #advetising #lies!

  • Remember: Corporations/Foundations/non-profits/... don't have a right to be silent , only individuals, and even then there are certain juristictions that have #KeyEscrow laws (i.e. #France, #Russia, #KSA, #China, #India, #UK , ...) in the books!
Twitterthaddeus e. grugq on Twitter“I’m gonna tell you a secret about “logless VPNs” — they don’t exist. Noone is going to risk jail for your $5/mo”