on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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Memento Mori.

Ich habe mich auf dieser Instanz noch nicht vorgestellt, also werde ich das mal nachholen. - Mit #Hashtags.

Ich bin #Schnur, #Fedihopper von #techlgbt (Alt Acc

Meine Hauptmerkmale sind mMn nach, dass ich #suizidal-#soziopathisch bin. Seid bei meinem Account also bitte vorgewarnt, ich versuche möglichst #offen zu sein.

Meine Interessen sind #Gaming (wenn ich nicht so #depressiv wäre...). #OpenSource-Software und Politik.

Meine favorisierten Betriebssysteme sind #GrapheneOS und #QubesOS [Meme:] und ich bin ein #Darkweb(#Tor & #I2P)-Enjoyer.

Wenn ihr mich kontaktieren wollt: Meine Privatnachrichten sind offen und wenn ihr #e2e-verschlüsselte Kommunikation bevorzugt, nutze ich #Signal (#Molly-Client), #Briar und #SimpleX.

Last but not least: Meine politische Einstellung.
Ich bin überzeugter #Europäer und deswegen Parteimitglied bei #Volt.
Bitte... Wählt am Sonntag #europäisch und #gegenrechts, jede Wahl muss eine #Klimawahl sein. Danke...

PS: Weil gerade die #AroVisiblityWeek stattfindet, möchte ich kundtun, dass ich #AroAce bin! UwU

Vastatud lõimes

@xoron I don't want to discourage you at all - in fact I think your goal is not just noble but also worth aspiring to.

  • My recommendation is always to scout out existing solutions, protocols and standards and see if those can be salvaged / used and if not, reason why. #PGP/MIME may seem crusty but a good UI can make it easy. Same.goes for #OMEMO & #OTR...

But whatever you do, please "DO NOT DIY ENCRYPTION!"

  • Instead delegate it to drop-in libraries (i.e. crypto++ for C++) that are well, maintained and getting audited.

Prioritize features early on and make a decision what you want and if/how these can be accomplished. If necessary, have different modes / functions one has to context-switch (i.e. videocalling can't work in an airgapped network unless your callers are in the same (W)LAN).

  • If possible choose to stay platform-independent in terms of tech, so like #WebCall, #JitsiMeet, etc. you can simply package that up with nw.js... (Except if you need like a minimalist, (n)curses-style TUI tool like #enc)

User-test early on. Espechally with "#TechIlliterates", if you can.

  • Focus on a #MVP (minimum viable product) early on.

Write #documentation early on since that'll remove headaches. And I don't just mean #CommentYourCode but go deep and explain in detail why you chose something. This will help not just you.

Make yourself a list what you like and dislike from those.

Don't be afraid if your #App can't tick all the boxes at first release. Rather feel free to slowly ibtegrate them.

Needless to say I do sincerely wish you good luck and only the best in terms of success.

Vastatud lõimes

@teajaygrey @halva @lynn @signalapp @deilann @monocles @Mer__edith @torproject

I remember #SLIC but sadly it never got traction.

  • Needless to say #XMPP with #OMEMO & #PGP/MIME nowadays has excellent support by clients for every relevant platform and there are various other options depending on the use case, threat model and scenario.

I do gladly advice clients/employers directly...

  • So far only #Tor and #Monero have reached a level of #decentralization that makes it basically impossible to shut them down even if (key) people working on it were to be arrested/forcibly disappeared/murdered (as had been the case!), with #SelfHosting-capable projects being close behind.

For example, #Briar as a "#airgapped" (or rather '#offline-capable') messenger may be the hottest thing if one needs to #chat with someone stuck exactly in the middle of North Korea and out of reach for Chinese, Russian or South Korean phone networks, tho that still relies on the local #SneakerNet (or rather #TrampingNet) to facilitate the transfer, which is rather common given the fact that #USB #flashdrives and #microSD cards are smuggled there en masse...

Jätkatud lõim

People STOP using #Telegram!!!!
(Matrix is more like what Telegram is supposed to be but decentralized)➡️
(I feel Session Messenger is one of the top 2, read about it)➡️
(SimpleX Chat is decentralized, end-to-end encrypted & can easily hook into Tor)➡️
(Briar Project is cool for many reasons & Tor is baked in but it still needs a lot of work)➡️
#Matrix #Session #SimpleXChat #BriarProject #Briar

matrix.orgMatrix.orgMatrix, the open protocol for secure decentralised communications