Bald eagle flying away with a herring it caught in the sea during the herring spawn off the coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Bald eagle flying away with a herring it caught in the sea during the herring spawn off the coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
I watched a bald eagle get mobbed by crows for a while today. Their mate was in a nearby tree also getting mobbed, until they both got fed up and flew off lol
Two bald eagles fighting over a herring that one of them just dropped. Photo taken a few days ago during one of my Herring Spawn photo tours on the east coast of Vancouver Island.
Great look at #JackieAndShadow’s 3 #eaglets.
They so resemble funny little muppets / miniature Ostriches with Slinky toy necks.
Also, every time Shadow does a feeding, “Papa can you hear me?” from Yentl plays in my head.
#Eaglet 3 has arrived! Again it was overnight, so night vision cam made it difficult to see. Here is a glimpse of the newly hatched chick + an early morning feeding.
It is Friday, after another geopolitical week of #fear, #turmoil & #chaos driven by #Trump’s #RevengePolitics. As such, I may be guilty of endeavoring to cleanse both my heart/mind/timeline.
And because I am not involved in any primary beauty, here is another #JackieAndShadow video.
[Last year at this time I posted hourly #BabySquirrel (click) updates. Thankfully–for them–none have need rescuing yet]
This is some impressive #coparenting. Jackie takes off & ~15 seconds later Shadow arrives. Nice.
Time for another #JackieAndShadow & #Eaglets #TLcleanse
Here is Shadow doing a great job getting both chicks fed. You can also see the 3rd eaglet making progress on the pip in its shell
You can hear Jackie return at the end with a fresh coot.
Both Momma & Papa pitching in, though I’m not entirely sure Shadow is “helping” per se.
The third egg has pipped!!!!
In the video you can see the unhatched eaglet moving around through the pip!
Still snowing in #BigBearValley, CA.
Here’s #Shadow checking in on the eaglets in the nest’s snow bowl.
He even treats them (& us) to a few silly snorts.
Canada goose fights off bald eagle in rare, symbolism-laden battle on ice.
Canada goose and bald eagle captured on camera by Ontario photographer.
#USCanada #CanadaGoose #BaldEagle #TuckersBalls
Cold & snowing tonight & tomorrow in #BigBearValley, CA. #JackieAndShadow will need to keeps those babies warm & tucked in.
(Video 2/2)
#Eaglets #BaldEagle #birds #wildlife #conservation #TLcleanse
Cold & snowing tonight & tomorrow in #BigBearValley, CA. #JackieAndShadow will need to keeps those babies warm & tucked in.
(Video 1/2)
#Eaglets #BaldEagle #birds #wildlife #conservation #TLcleanse
Fight between bald eagle and Canada goose in Burlington bay 'very symbolic,' says photographer #CanadaFirst #CanadaGoose #DonOLD #BaldEagle
#Jackie returns to the nest, bloodied beak & claws, prey in claw, & successfully feeds both #eaglets!!
First feeding of eaglet #2
[video 2/2]
(Sorry for delay, LOTS of issues uploading media cc: @mastodonmigration @stux)
I love #Shadow, but he’s just not as good at the whole feeding thing as #Jackie.
Video: Eaglets, with wide open beaks, are ready for a feeding. Shadow, belatedly realizes it, but the chicks have tired themselves out, so when he tries to give them some bits of fish, they’ve exhausted themselves. - I do think one of the eaglets got a little nibblet.