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It is Friday, after another geopolitical week of #fear, #turmoil & #chaos driven by #Trump’s #RevengePolitics. As such, I may be guilty of endeavoring to cleanse both my heart/mind/timeline.

And because I am not involved in any primary beauty, here is another #JackieAndShadow video.

[Last year at this time I posted hourly #BabySquirrel (click) updates. Thankfully–for them–none have need rescuing yet]

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I love #Shadow, but he’s just not as good at the whole feeding thing as #Jackie.

Video: Eaglets, with wide open beaks, are ready for a feeding. Shadow, belatedly realizes it, but the chicks have tired themselves out, so when he tries to give them some bits of fish, they’ve exhausted themselves. - I do think one of the eaglets got a little nibblet.