Join us to demand that BC keep & strengthen mask protections in healthcare! Vulnerable patients and frontline workers need consistent, evidence-based safety measures year round - not policies that change with the weather.
Take action at to call for year-round mask requirements, proper implementation, N95s, and closing key loopholes:
Send emails to dozens of policy-makers at once
Flood the lines with calls
Send faxes online (no fax machine needed)
Send #Postcards4PublicHealth (mail to MLAs and Ministers is free)
Share your story at by Mar 15
Reshare and spread the word
Let's GET LOUD! Take action ASAP, by April 1st.
#KeepMasksInHealthcare #BCHealthcare
#CovidIsNotOver #H5N1 #BirdFlu #Measles
#VulnerabilityIsntSeasonal #COVIDisAirborne