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To my fellow famously #protest-averse #Americans:


#MoveOn, #Indivisible, 50501, etc are having nationwide demonstrations

Everyone show up


"But I have to go to Starbucks and scroll Instagram"

The #economy is about to go in the toilet due to #Trump. That's a thing a lot of you assholes pretend to care about

The rest of us will be there for #NeriAlvaradoBorges

Deported to #ElSalvador over a "gang" (#Autism Acceptance) #tattoo

Find your local spot

Show the fuck up

Vastatud lõimes

@SuneAuken @thekitmalone

#GOP: obstruct, obstruct, obstruct, obstruct...

#Americans: "Why aren't the #Democrats doing something?"

Not to say the Democrats don't suck. They do

But Americans suck too in how they assign blame

They don't pay attention then they demand action on outrage right now

"That's illegal! Arrest them!"


And you understand why that's not happening?


And then something can be done

"I'm not voting, because something wasn't done!"

---> {GOP gets more power}


Jätkatud lõim

How the Social Security Admn is dodging a federal court order

"The #Trump admn has installed a #DOGE operative as the new Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the #SocialSecurity Admn (SSA) in an apparent effort to evade a federal court order blocking DOGE affiliates from accessing databases containing the sensitive personal #information of millions of #Americans."

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Trump and Musk want you sicker so they can be richer

Why we must move the debate from "government spending" to "Elon & Donald's looting."

"the Musk/Trump regime is waging against America's #health care...

"simultaneously increase toxins in our air, #food, & water."... gutting medical #research in "colleges & hospitals in every state." & they are aiming to kick millions—as many as 36 million of the hardest-working #Americans—off of #Medicaid"

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Social Security, Buffeted by Turmoil, Awaits a New Leader

The billionaire Elon Musk has become fixated on finding #fraud inside the agency, which provides #retirement, survivor and #disability payments to 73 million Americans each month.

"Musk has claimed that vast numbers of #Americans are fraudulently drawing benefits from the agency, an assertion experts say is demonstrably false."

Jätkatud lõim

Long waits, waves of calls, web crashes: Social Security is breaking down

A flood of cuts led by Elon Musk has sent the agency into #chaos as a new commissioner prepares to take charge.

"The #SocialSecurity Admn website crashed 4 times in 10 days this month, blocking millions of retirees & disabled #Americans from logging in to their online accounts... so many employees have been pushed out... as part of the ... efforts led by #ElonMusk"

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Judge Rips Elon Musk’s DOGE for Seizing Americans’ Personal Data

A federal judge has blocked DOGE from getting even more access to #Americans’ sensitive personal #data.

"Judge Deborah Boardman... ruled that Elon Musk’s #DOGE has no legal right to the personal #information of American citizens held at the Dept of #Education, the Office of Personnel Management, and the #Treasury Dept...

referred to the Privacy Act of 1974"

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Elon Musk Is Demolishing the Rationale for Citizens United

The #SupremeCourt said in 2010 that the decision wouldn’t damage Americans’ faith in #democracy. Whoops.

"in #CitizensUnited v. Federal Elections Commission, in which the court struck down key guardrails against corporate spending in #American elections, Kennedy rejected the allegation that the court’s ruling would have deleterious effects on how #Americans perceived their republic."

Jätkatud lõim

The #Republicans are absolutely amazing at playing politics, but are completely incompetent at actual governance.

The #Democrats are competent when it comes to governance, but are absolute sh*t at playing politics.

Because most #Americans are too busy with jobs, families & living their lives to do the work (& it requires work thanks to corporate media failure) of figuring out who actually knows how to govern, most Americans vote for the politicians good at #politics, not governance.

"Reliance on #SocialSecurity isn’t evenly distributed... with less-educated #Americans much more reliant...

less educated voters strongly favored #Trump in November...

they set the stage for demolition of a #government program that is the only thing standing between them and dire #poverty...

#WorkingClass voters weren’t paying attention; they thought they were voting for lower grocery prices, not an assault on Social Security."

Vastatud lõimes


i remind myself of #fascist #spain under #franco and look at spain today

doesn't mean spain is utopia today

doesn't mean "it's going to be ok, relax"

it means getting better is real


1. we have a lot fucking work to do

2. there is a lot of fucking suffering ahead of us

3. do not accept #pessimism #cynicism nor #capitulation

as long as we *fight* we can right this rotten ship

biggest ally of #maga:

lazy indifference


get off your fucking asses and fight

Vastatud lõimes

It's hilarious, for lack of a better word, how #Americans are so incredibly dumb and easily manipulated.
So a British fraudster physician publishes a research paper on the link between MMR vaccine and autism. The paper had manipulation, conflict of interest etc. It was so bad that he was struck off the medical register.
He moved to the US, joined controversial researcher and dumb Americans believe his anti-vaxx advice.
Americans have a penchant for losers - Exhibit A: #Trump, B: #Musk

Vastatud lõimes

@RickiTarr #Americans were so afraid #foreigners would destroy everything in the #US but nothing ever happened - until they allowed one #Nazi foreigner in, and #Musk has already caused so much damage that not all foreigners combined could match up to him. This is only the beginning. US #billionaires will be quintillionaires when Trump and Musk are finished.

Meanwhile, #Putin is riding bare chest on Trump's back. Once Putin has power over a much larger area in Europe, the US will be next.