on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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Our #OpenAccess #book fund is showing real results! One of our supported researchers, Stephan Schleim, shared that their book "#Brain Development and the #Law: #Neurolaw in Theory and Practice" has been downloaded over 4,000 times!


Stephan's publication was part of the first funding cycle that contributed to the publication of 47 open access books.


SpringerLinkBrain Development and the LawThis open access book is the first to offer a systematic overview of the different methods for assessing brain development

Everything is worrying at the moment but something I am wondering if we should worry about is all the US-based scientific publishers. Elsevier, Nature, but also #PLoS, maybe even #BiorXiv and others - is it possible that the US government forces them to either stop publishing, delete some or all of their published papers, or only accept papers that correspond to specific criteria?

Please tell me there is nothing to worry about on that front at least..
#Academia #Science #AcademicPublishing

I bang on about this, but saying "no" immediately is almost as good as saying "yes." Speaking as an editor, I love it when potential reviewers refuse shortly after being invited (it's even better when they suggest others we might ask in their place). Waiting weeks to say "no" is the worst and, along with late reports, is a major reason that peer review takes so long.

#Diamond #OpenAccess is a sustainable model for #scholar-led #publishing where research is freely accessible to all, with no author fees.

🆕 A comprehensive guide is now available for #journal #editors considering the transition from commercial publishers.


➡️ funding options
➡️ transition steps
➡️ available routes (including subscribe-to-open models and university presses)

I’m pleased to say that as of Monday I'll be working part-time as Head of Editorial at @DOAJ, the open access journal indexer lead by Joanna Ball. After working at three OA publishers and specialising in publication ethics, this role neatly blends my professional interests.

I'll still be available for other freelance work, providing it doesn't conflict with this role.
#DirectoryOfOpenAccessJournals #OpenAccess #DOAJ #EditorialPolicy #AcademicJournals #AcademicPublishing

doaj.orgDirectory of Open Access Journals – DOAJDOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone.

This is weird, two papers with the same name. The new one appears to be a plagiarized version of the old one, but the text is different. (Perhaps edited with a LLM?)

What do you think is the point here - is the idea to siphon off citations intended for the other paper? Are the authors real, or is the whole thing just made up as fake data for a predatory journal?

Why change the text, but not the title?

working on a manuscript and one of the co-authors suggested submitting it to One Earth as our work aligns with their aims and scope but omg APC of USD 9170 feels EXORBITANT and PROHIBITIVE! Dunno about my collaborators in Denmark and Sweden but APCs like that just remind me that I live in a poor country 😭

I'm more than happy to just publish it on #Zenodo (which is free and #OpenAccess) or another open access repository where we can have some peer-review but the first author is a student who really wants to publish in a journal which is understandable given how #academia works currently smh

if anyone has suggestions for #sustainability and #OneHealth related open access journals that don't have eye-gouging APCs, please share!


Very happy to see this FINALLY published, because my colleague Dr Chelsea Miya and I worked very hard to put this together over quite a while!

Anyway, this is an article describing what I did in my last contract in the context of viral "unboxing" videos lol. I mean, also we talk a lot about #privacy when it comes to #HistoricalAudio.

#DH #digihum #DigitalHumanities #Publishing #AcademicPublishing #Literature #LiteraryAudio #AudioRecordings @academicchatter

Digital Studies / Le champ numériqueUnboxing the Archive with SpokenWeb UAlberta: A Case Study in Literary Audio RightsThe following paper builds on recent theorizations of ethical archival methodologies, using a case study of archival "unboxings" at the SpokenWeb UAlberta as an invitation to think through critical questions such as these: How do we be good caretakers of audio data, aural/audio histories? Who are the stakeholders represented in the collection, and also, what is at stake, not just in terms of our legal obligations, but our ethical and moral responsibilities? The paper explores how digitizing historical audio collections can create opportunities to open up a dialogue between scholars and artists, but at the same time also introduce new complexities around issues of privacy and consent. As we have found, “care-full” archival work, to use Cowan’s term, requires us to engage with and imagine past, present, and future media, as well as past, present, and future users.   Le présent article s'appuie sur des théorisations récentes des méthodologies archivistiques éthiques, en utilisant une étude de cas des "déballages" d'archives chez SpokenWeb UAlberta comme une invitation à réfléchir à des questions critiques telles que : Comment pouvons-nous être de bons gardiens des données audio, des histoires orales/audio ? Quels sont les parties prenantes représentées dans la collection, et également, quels sont les enjeux, non seulement en termes de nos obligations légales, mais aussi de nos responsabilités éthiques et morales ? L'article explore comment la numérisation des collections audio historiques peut créer des opportunités pour ouvrir un dialogue entre chercheurs et artistes, tout en introduisant de nouvelles complexités liées aux questions de confidentialité et de consentement. Comme nous l'avons constaté, un travail archivistique "plein de soin", pour utiliser le terme de Cowan, exige que nous nous engagions avec et imaginions les médias du passé, du présent et du futur, ainsi que les utilisateurs du passé, du présent et du futur.