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Finally got back to that #3DPrint design I was working on a week ago, or was it two weeks? Anyway, took the last couple of parts out of the printer where they've been sitting and did a bit of filing to get the fit smooth and there we have it! A 23 cell flat-pack seed tray. If I had a big enough printer I'd probably also do a base plate of some kind, but it should just work on any flat tray.

I need to dive back into #FreeCAD and make a couple of adjustments and improvements, but this is definitely a "working" prototype and I'm wondering what seeds I'll pop into it. Time for some multisown beetroot think.

Edit: I'm not claiming to have invented this 😅 I totally ripped if off some product I saw someone using on YouTube... I checked online for 3D printable versions but wasn't a fan of what I found.

Edit 2: Oh, and that's a little tamper on top, that was my idea. (Hardly rocket science tho.) I have a idea for making it adjustable with a handle that can protrude to make a seed hole.

I don't have a 3D printer. But what I would like to purchase (if available) is:

1) an insert that can be used to store external SSDs which are placed inside an empty Apple 3.5" floppy drive case.

2) A molded tray that can be placed inside an empty IIGS case so that it can be used to store drives / cables. (A flat surface that is recessed, would be ideal)

3) A retro "Snow white" case, complete with LED openings, to place a Wombat ADB / USB device inside.