I’m a bit tempted by a Centuri Carbon, has anyone played with it yet? #3dprinting
I’m a bit tempted by a Centuri Carbon, has anyone played with it yet? #3dprinting
World’s first 3D-printed train station to be built in Japan in 6 hours https://www.byteseu.com/837512/ #3DPrinting #Energy&Environment #INFRASTRUCTURE #InventionsAndMachines #Japan #Sustainability #TrainStation #trains
A fun saturday morning build. The K6ARK KH1 loading coil. Got a QSO with WU7H on 40m (no counterpoise). We were both very weak. Got some RBN hits on the other bands. #3dPrinting #HamRadio #DIY #Elecraft #KH1
@FreeCAD Car stuff: A covering cap for an older racing seat and a cover plate for a dashboard, remodeled after a broken part. (Both for someone else. )
Are you bored this saturday morning? Read my last rant on Sketchy Sculptors™! #kickstarter #DeadEarthMiniatures #ResinCast #3DPrinting #Warhammer40k #oldhammer
I just updated the post because the creator keeps gaslighting people AND thinks that advertising as resin-cast and then deliver 3d printed isn’t misleading.
Adorable 3D Heart Printing File - Perfect for Crafting Sweet Baby Presents • STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2733878
Designed by @kjstlfactory@mastodon.social
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STLfile #resin #anycubic #pinterest #OpenSource #etsy #etsyshop #mastodon #mastodonart #mastodonband
Adorable 3D Heart Printing File - Perfect for Crafting Sweet Baby Presents • STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2733878
Designed by @kjstlfactory
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STLfile #resin #anycubic #pinterest #OpenSource #etsy #etsyshop #mastodon #mastodonart #mastodonband
TIL that I'm out of black ABS. Since Catboat-1 is due upgrades (and a rewiring), I need black ABS.
"No problem, you love Paramount3D, get some of that!"
Paramount3D do not ship free to me anymore. I _love_ how NZ supply chains are a fucking constantly-moving target...
Beetle Keychain – Free STL File for 3D Printing • STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2786795
Designed by @kjstlfactory@mastodon.social
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STLfile #resin #anycubic #pinterest #OpenSource #etsy #etsyshop #mastodon #mastodonart #mastodonband
Beetle Keychain – Free STL File for 3D Printing • STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2786795
Designed by @kjstlfactory
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STLfile #resin #anycubic #pinterest #OpenSource #etsy #etsyshop #mastodon #mastodonart #mastodonband
I'd like to share my 3D-models but I want to avoid companies and having an account with them. Is there some way to do this? That is maybe even compatible with the Fediverse?
If anyone wants to have a go at 3D Printing him, my Star Wars Pit Droid is now live on #printables ! (I would appreciate a boost if you can spare it ) :)
Chinese scientists create world’s first 3D-printed male sex organ for ED treatment https://www.byteseu.com/827489/ #3DPrinting #ArtificialTunicaAlbuginea #biomedical #Biomedicine #ChineseAcademyOfEngineering #CorporaCavernosa #ED #ErectileDysfunction #erection #HydrogelBasedBioinks #MatingTrials #NatureBiomedicalEngineering #PenileImplant #penis #RegenerativeMedicine #ReproductiveHealth #Science #SexualHealth #SouthChinaUniversityOfTechnology #TissueRestoration #ultrasonography #WangYingjun
Elegant Basket on Chicken Feet – STL File for 3D Printing!
• STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2819711
Designed by @kjstlfactory@mastodon.social
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STLfile #resinprinting #opensource #etsy #etsyshop #mastodon #mastodonart #mastodonband #maker #makers #social #socialmedia
Elegant Basket on Chicken Feet – STL File for 3D Printing!
• STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2819711
Designed by @kjstlfactory
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STLfile #resinprinting #opensource #etsy #etsyshop #mastodon #mastodonart #mastodonband #maker #makers #social #socialmedia
I've updated the ottopot website and build instructions with the PCB version and the new case.
I'm considering this the v1 release
The ottopot is a MIDI controller with 8 endless potentiometers sending 14bit CCs.
Special thanks to @Nervengift for the PCB contribution.
Elegant Ballet Shoe Organizer – STL File for 3D Printing • STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2745090
Designed by @kjstlfactory
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #STLfile #resin #anycubic #pinterest #OpenSource #etsy #etsyshop #mastodon #mastodonart #mastodonband #maker #makers #social #socialmedia
Elegant Ballet Shoe Organizer – STL File for 3D Printing • STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2745090
Designed by @kjstlfactory
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STLfile #resin #anycubic #pinterest #OpenSource #etsy #etsyshop #mastodon #mastodonart #mastodonband
Venom Benchy – The Symbiote of 3D Printing!
• STL files
Download 3D print model: https://cults3d.com/:2808068
Designed by @kjstlfactory
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STLfile
#resinprinting #anycubic #OpenSource
@naffy @Pinterest #mastodon #mastodonart #mastodonband
I can't get over how good this looks...
This beautiful 3D printed M4 Mac Mini case uses a 9.7" iPad panel for its display. It features the signatures of the original Mac Team embossed on the bottom. The designer, @jerrod also has a version that works as a display stand for the @trmnl e-ink smart display.
You can check out more of Jerrod's designs and support his work over on Makerworld--